Pc Registry Mechanic Patch Code Separator

2020. 2. 19. 07:29카테고리 없음

MMIC, aka Glenn Schwartzberg,. While I would love to identify a vast ACE Director conspiracy because that would mean I was interesting, or a brilliant criminal mastermind, or at least sneaky, alas, the truth is that it is none of these things and instead a figment of my febrile (or is that feeblie?) imagination and the similar subject is simply coincidence. Never fear, Gentle Reader, I have a different take on the tool than Glenn.

Whether it is a better or even worthwhile take is of course up to you. I have known Tim Tow, owner of, since 1995 when he came to my-then employer to teach us the Lex Excel dashboard framework for BI. For those of you old enough to remember Excel 95 (I think that was the release), it came with a sample BI dashboard – I suppose Microsoft thought people would use Excel as a database, calculation engine, and dashboard. Actually, they were spot on and their current desktop BI approach (btw, they jettisoned MDX in MSAS which caused a fair amount of heartburn) continues that philosophy. Regardless of the Great Enemy’s approach (dear Microsoft Legal, I kid, I kid) twenty years in technology is basically a career and I work today with people who have five years in harness; I should note that I was but a callow IT youth of five years myself when I met Tim. My long friendship with Tim is one of the reasons I am such a fan of his company’s products, including its flagship product, Dodeca, but I am also continually impressed with the free utilities Applied OLAP creates for the EPM community.

There have been two main complaints about the product: consumption of Essbase ephemeral ports causing OE to timeout and wait for the ports to be freed up and a performance deficit when it comes to large outlines. With the release, that issue of port exhaustion has been resolved, although not documented except by Tim. However, the issue with performance remains with very large databases. One could argue if the outline took a long time to build, it should take a long time to extract, but we are all (or at least most of us and especially me) an impatient lot. The pain and not the glory. Anonymous said.

Thanks for this post. I am one of those Essbase hackers who tend to stick with the first option given and thus would never discover this until I read your post. I'd like to share one observation. I ended up writing my own Maxl script to export the outline and used OE to parse the extract.

It worked beautifully until it didn't. At some point, OE kept giving me an error saying 'Java heap size' when I tried parsing the otl extract. After much painful search, I realized that my Maxl export was statement was missing the word 'tree'. The weird thing is that, without 'tree', the statement still ran fine and gave no error. I was fooled into thinking my Maxl (or typing) was good when it was not. The telltale signs were (1) the otl extract was unusually large (240Mb vs the correct size of 6Mb) and (2) OE skipped some of the steps. One more thought.

Scanner Patch Code Separator


Registry Mechanic Pc Tools

The Essbase API is a good choice if (1) the dimension is small; (2) if one wants to get only certain part of the hierarchy (versus Maxl always exports the entire dimension).